Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Weekend (A Completely Uncreative Title)
What is your ideal day?
My ideal day is a day where at the end of the day I feel productive. That's something I constantly struggle with-the feeling of being productive. I don't like days where I climb into bed without a sense of accomplishment.
Aside from my own personal hang ups, I think my ideal day would be me waking up around 730 in the morning, going for a short jog, shower, breakfast, clean up anything that needed to be cleaned, and then I would read. I would read the rest of the day. I would pause to eat and pee and poop. But I would read. Yes, that sounds idyllic to me.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
20 Compliments for Joanne
Monday, April 26, 2010
NSYNC On Pandora
If you had a ticket to anywhere, where you go?
I would go to Redding. Sad, huh? But it's an expensive ticket from San Diego. I paid less for my ticket to Boston. But that's where all the people are that I want to be with.
What is your biggest insecurity and why?
My biggest insecurity would be certain aspects about my body. I have an abnormally large amount of body hair. I'm sure someone reading this understands, but I sometimes I feel very alone in this. Once though, I was watching the Jimmy Kimmel Show and his girlfriend (or ex-girlfriend?) was on it, and she mentioned that she had a lot of body hair but said that Jimmy had said to her that it just means she has a lot of testosterone and therefore likes sex more. I just hope my husband thinks that's a fair trade-off.
Where does the good go?
The good goes to someone better and leaves you alone and heartbroken.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Who were your best friends in junior high?
Junior High was a hard time for me and friends. I pretty much had a new group every year. I can't remember having a best friend in sixth grade but a group of friends. Ashley M was best friend in seventh grade with some of the same friends from sixth grade. Eighth grade I bounced between those friends and Kate and her group and Julissa and that group. I was weird with friends.
What were you like in high school?
Weird question. I was more immature than I am now obviously. I never really knew what I was like to other people because I didn't really ever care. To me, I was nerdy and weird and awkward and I don't mind it at all. I never went out much until I started hanging out with Kelsey and after that I pretty much always hung out with her outside of school. I ran cross country, but was never good at it. I think I was the girl that got straight a's, who teachers liked, who was medium to the student body, not too outrageous, not too quiet. I think. I don't know. I like me better now though.
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
That's such a ridiculously hard question to answer because there are so many songs that I would want to listen to. My first instinct is to go with "Never Think" by Rob Pattinson (I know, shut up.) because it's the most listened to song on my iPod. I used it as a lullaby with my roommates last year. Then I think, no, ridiculous, something Dave Matthews Band because they're my all time favorite band and I could listen to them forever and never get sick of them. But I decided that if I had one song to listen to for the rest of my life then it would be Hillsong United's "From The Inside Out" because that song never fails me and will keep my faith alive.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Poll's Dying Wish Granted- The Results
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Definition Of Unitard *UPDATED*
A very unflattering outfit of spandex?

A retarded unicorn?
A retarded unicorn wearing a very unflattering outfit of spandex?

Don't Rain On My Parade
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Personal Narrative Never Writes Itself
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Down With The Sickness
Friday, April 9, 2010
Fun, Family, Back, Break-ups
Thursday, April 1, 2010
What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?
I would love Zooey Deschanel to play me because she super amazing and talented and gorgeous. But I'd probably end up getting Kristen Stewart.