You Believe Me
When I tell you I’m not crazy,
You believe me.
And when I tell you the Moon
Fell down from the sky tonight,
You believe me.
And when I tell you He swung
From star to star on His way
Down from the infinite heavens,
Landing with a soft thud at
The end of Prince Street,
And He rolled the gritty
Asphalt, stopping right in front
Of me, bowing politely
As His genteel introduction,
You believe me.
And when I tell you, without words,
The Moon took hold of my hands
And brought them together
For a gentle kiss before
Flinging them wide into a circle
And dancing barefoot
In a placid prance of hilarity
Under the familiar galaxies and starbursts
Of inequitable phenomenon,
You believe me.
You believe the dance lasted all night
And you believe there was love.
When I tell you the Moon
Tucked me into bed tonight,
Tousling my auburn hair about
The pillow, and, whispering sweet
Nothings into my ears, He
Gracefully moved from the bed
To and through the window looking onto
His night skies
Now growing in glow,
You believe me.
You Believe Me
When I tell you the Moon
Fell down from the sky tonight,
You believe me.
And when I tell you He swung
From star to star on His way
Down from the infinite heavens,
Landing with a soft thud at
The end of Prince Street,
And He rolled down the gritty asphalt,
Stopping right in front of me
You believe me.
And when I tell you the Moon
Took hold of my hands,
Squeezing them gently before
Flinging them wide into a circle
And dancing barefoot
In a placid prance of hilarity
Under the familiar galaxies and starbursts
Of inequitable phenomenon,
You believe me.
When I tell you the Moon
Tucked me into bed tonight,
Tousling my hair about the pillow, then
Gracefully He moved from the bed
To and through the window looking onto
His night skies
Now growing in glow,
You might believe me.
When I tell you the Moon
Fell down from the sky tonight
You tell me I’m lying.
You tell me you saw the Moon
Resting amongst the stars,
Watching over the world
As they slept soundly in their beds,
The whole night long.
You tell me He winked at you
Before you laid down for the night
And sang a lullaby as you fell asleep.
You tell me He never fell.
You tell me He never moved an inch.
And I believe you.
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