Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
F.I.N.A.L.S. Week In Review (Part One)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
F.I.N.A.L.S Fuck I Never Actually Learned this Shit
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I Am Slowly Killing Myself

This is me eating S'mores poptarts because the quarter is ending and I have no real food and I don't want to buy more because then it has to sit here while I'm gone and I don't want to do that to the food, so I'm resorting to eating whatever I have and what I have are S'mores poptarts.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Flossing And Treasure
Serial Killers And Such
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Late Night Conversations
Friday, March 12, 2010
How Do I Make My Blog Cooler?
I'll add a poll.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Ok, It's Alright With Me
- Distract me from my studies.
- Distract me from pain.
- Make me smile.
Monday, March 8, 2010
An Ephemeral Melodic Moment
What this page is featured at the top of my blog is my current Song O' Obsession. The art is fleeting as my musical tastes whisk me from one ditty to another, but I thought that you should know what is my heat of the moment. Last week, it was Nancy Sinatra's "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" which I love listening to. It's sexy, sultry, and sensual. It's got a sadness to it that resonates within me, a pain I can emphasize with, and abeauty I could never replicate.
This week it is Guster's "Satellite." I heard it in the movie Martian Child with John Cusack and Amanda Peet, which is pretty much the exact way I want my life to go. I want to be a successful writer and then adopt a weird kid. I have a thing for the weird kid. You know they're going to be difficult, but absolutely genius. I'm not sure how my parenting skills will turn out, but I think I can support the creativity and special attention that the weird kid needs. Except, I would not like my husband to die young of cancer. That would blow.
But I haven't written about the protest or the Oscars or my writing or anything lately. Life's been crazy! The protest was amazing. It was so beautiful to see so many people coming together to raise awareness for the increasing tuition, outrageous budgets cuts, and insulting layoffs the government is putting us students through. I was at the rally at UCSD for about an hour and a half when they said that they were moving to the protest at Balboa Park. Jo was going with a group, so Shirley and I snagged a ride and when we got there, the majority of UCSD students had arrived, so the march started. I didn't even know we were marching, but then we took over Park Boulevard to Broadway to Front Street downtown. It was AMAZING! We shut down streets and freeway exits as we marched along. People everywhere were staring, asking what our cause was or giving us thumbs up and whistles in support.
I am so thrilled to have been a part of something like this. You hear about this great stuff happening in the 60's and during times of war. You hear of college kids protesting and rallies and marches. I never though I would be a part of it. So many things are accomplished through these non-violent demonstrations and I feel blessed to have participated in one. You've got a rebel on your hands, California, and I won't be silenced about the ridiculousness you are putting your future leaders, doctors, writers, engineers, politicians, lawyers through. We are all here. We are your future. We will be paying your Social Security and your Medicare and your AARP or whatever you geriatric gremlins need.
Anyway, the day was beautiful, the movement beautiful, and the people... beautiful.
The Oscar's party was amazing! I didn't expect to have so much fun at all! We watched it at a movie theatre and had unlimited popcorn and soda and people would come and refill them for us so we didn't have to leave our seats. And during each commercial they pulled raffle tickets and had SO much cool stuff to give away, the biggest prize being an acoustic guitar signed by George Clooney! I ended up getting a Paranormal Activity tee that some lady won, but she didn't want it and she asked our group who liked the movie and I said I did and so she gave it to me! And they had a ton of big movie posters and at one point they were like, "Well we have a lot of these so come up and get them!" So of course Jo and I ran and she got Up In The Air and the fourth Shrek and I got Princess and the Frog and ECLIPSE!!!! Now I have all three big posters of the three Twilight movies!! I'm really excited! But yeah, it was so much fun! I thought Alec and Steve were so funny and the people speaking about the nominees was really good! I'm so glad Sandra won too. I haven't see the movie at all, but I think she's great and I'm glad she was recognized. I didn't see The Hurt Locker, but now I want to! And I thought it was hilarious that they sat her and James Cameron right next to each other. AWKWARD!
Saw Foosh on Friday with Katie, cousin, and cousin's friend. Pretty funny! I love absolutely everything they do, except for their partying. I especially love everything Jared does, but alas! he is gay and off the market. Oh woeth me! And I found out my other Object of Affection is pretty much a douche, so that cuts that out. And I have no idea about my actual crush. I think he likes someone else, as evidenced by particular Facebook pictures. And ER boy annoys me now. No need to stalk.
I think I will be regular posting things that I'm writing as soon as I start actually writing regularly. I don't think I will post my story that I write for my final, but maybe an excerpt from it. Can't have people stealing my early work now!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Surveying The Land
Never in my life have I...
arrested for being high on crack and driving a stolen golf cart.
The one person who can drive me nuts is...
Anyone featured in a reality show.
High school...
was unnecessary torture.
When I'm nervous...
I laugh.
The last time I cried was...
this morning when I woke because of a sad dream.
If I were to get married right now my wedding would be...
My hair is...
my favorite part of my physical appearance.
When I was 7...
everything happened to me.
Last Christmas...
was spent at Disneyland.
I should be...
doing everything else.
When I look down I see...
my vagina.
The craziest recent event was...
the FOOSH versus Iota Eta Pi show.
If I were a character on Friends I'd be...
By this time, next year...
I hope to be in a better spot in life.
My current gripe is...
my extreme lack of motivation. Ever since the noose, I've lost it.
I have a hard time understanding...
why I do stupid things.
There's this girl I know who...
and she's listening to music.
You know I like you when...
I don't tell you I don't like you.
If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be...
my mama.
Take my advice...
My most wanted wish is...
a good husband.
If you visited the place I was born...
you would want to get the hell out of there.
I plan to visit...
New York City.
If you spend the night at my house...
we can play Barbies and board games and paint each other's nails and... and... and...
I'd stop my wedding if...
it was not with the one I'm supposed to be with.
The world could do without...
reality television.
I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than...
watch reality television.
Most recent thing I've bought myself...
the Guster cd.
Most recent thing someone else bought me...
a Vagina Monologue ticket.
My favorite blonde is...
My favorite brunette is...
My favorite redhead is..
Rupert Grint.
My middle name is...
This morning I...
woke up to the saddest dream.
The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are...
I'm eating....
Last night I was...
really hyper and screaming at random strangers.
There's this guy I know who...
he's out of my league.
I don't know...
why I am wasting my time.
A better name for me would be...
Tomorrow I am...
finishing up homework.
My birthday is...
almost a spectacular event.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Dear Montana
I have to agree with you in saying that the noose at UCSD was an extremely cowardly act. Think about this--This supposedly misguided individual says that she did not believe it was a big deal to hang a noose reminiscent of the disgusting lynchings that took place in our country's past in our schools' library during a time of great hardship and pain for the black community at our school, yet if we consdier the placement of the noose- seventh floor of the library in a back corner, facing the windows on the outside edges of the library- we know it cannot be so. She hung this in a place where she could not be caught, some place that it took two and a half hours for people to find and call in about. If the noose had been "no big deal," then why wasn't it placed somewhere more publicspot, such as in front of the library or at the very doorstep of the BSU? If it didn't matter, why hide it? And why come forward so quickly if the horrendous act wasn't eating away at her soul? So, yes, I do agree this act was cowardly and only worsened the already degrading atmosphere for the African Americans on our campus.
What I don't understand in your comment though is why do you believe it is the Republican party instilling these thoughts into this girl's mind? You, in fact, give multiple reasons as to why she could have thought that this act was ok- her parents, a lack of education (which, I must say, I doubt tremendously as she is a student here at UCSD and, although as of right now our reputation seems quite contrary, we are not a bunch of ignorant assholes)- but you give your final assumption to be those "birthers, baggers, and blowhards" of the Republican party, saying those who follow Republican values and the thoughts of specific "dullard" Republicans are "young and dumb." This is where I must disagree with you, my dear Montana. I personally am Republican. I personally hold particular Republican values very near to my heart. I must say I am not the most conservative of my political affiliation and do, in fact, take liberal positions in different political debates. I personally do not live in fear of my black president nor do I simply follow the words of any Republican-ideas activist because they are said. I am young. I am not stupid. I do not believe it is ok to hang a noose in a public library to threaten the black community of my school.
Way to jump to conclusions and blame whoever you want to blame to make yourself feel better. I'm glad there are ignorant people such as yourself to make this world a better place.
You Can Call It Friction
I can seriously picture myself doing this to my own house one day. It would definitely be time consuming and I'm definitely no Tara Donovan but I actually do believe I could recreate something like this. Not as elaborate or pretty, but something on my own. I think this would be an amazing piece for someone's

If you look at the rings up close, they look like clear glass pebbles attached to the wall because the light bounces off of the metallic insides of the rings creating all this depth and wonder. It's sincerely one of the best things I've ever seen. AH! I just loved it and was so happy I was able to see it on it's last day in San Diego. Also, I got to meet Tara Donovan which was pretty cool. We had the same color nail polish on-reddish orange, which is a pretty strange color to have in common.